Roman Zvarych
How-to guidelines
My story
RZ Foundation
Блог українською
HOW-TO guidelines
Created by Product Manager for junior Product Managers and Startup founders
This collection is about generic topics that I have prepared to guide you in the first steps to achieve effective results.
Life stories
How-To apply Lean Startup methodology to your idea
Dolores suscipit assumenda soluta et maxime fugit cumque. Porro laborum facilis blanditiis voluptatem nisi voluptates dolores ve
Roman Zvarych
Business Analysis
How-To use Customer Development methodology for building startups
Accusamus id quas autem nihil omnis neque. Accusantium mollitia id reiciendis et. Culpa ea labore officia omnis voluptate omni
Roman Zvarych
Customer Development
How-To become a Product Manager
Voluptatum ipsa illo et cum rerum. Sed quas vel omnis nobis. Occaecati quasi quod sed unde accusamus voluptatem voluptatibus
Roman Zvarych
How-To measure startup growth being an angel investor
Sapiente error omnis molestiae numquam sed. Rerum tenetur esse dolore corr
Roman Zvarych
Customer Interview
How-To launch startup step-by-step overview for young entrepreneurs
Praesentium molestiae voluptas molestiae voluptatem quo magnam. Eveniet tempora occaecati sed. Aut nihil ut sunt assumenda odit earu
Roman Zvarych